How are money and love?
One day driving in the company of a friend, we stopped at a red light and suddenly loomed us a young man handing out propaganda of a business house offering home appliances, the truth is that the propaganda leaflet was well printed with color photos , my friend after watching a few moments the bow and shot the back seat, I asked because I did, I replied that I had seen what was on offer and had no greater importance to him, then began a discussion and I asked him if given a ticket so throw five hundred Cordobas, of course I said no, not thinking, I said exactly. We have all agreed to a convention, we have created a symbolism that gives value to a paper and denies the other. This code helps us in everyday life, with him, we can buy food, pay for college for our children, pay for electricity, water, and gas, we pay the medical bills and in many cases the damage we cause.
Money is more than money, is communication, it assessment, is power and when unevenly distributed in society means more power for some and less for others. It is impossible to obviate, is unavoidable presence in our projects, our survival. It is perhaps the most widespread of human conventions, exists in all languages in all cultures, under all political systems. It is, shall we say, as ubiquitous as love. And since so, what is the relationship between them? How are money and love?
Speaking of money in the couple is not an easy issue for even the most advanced minds. Since the twelfth century burst in what is known as a passionate love that feeling that couples choose each other and escape the link model was a simple economic transaction between families found any reference to money dirtied love.
Nine centuries later, the issue remains difficult to address, couples to the extent that they get to know the relationship is strengthened and begin to address various topics, where they will live, how many children think they have, as the educated, who think that other projects to pursue , the accounts their lives, fears emerge and comfort each other, but honestly you talking about economic issues? How to manage money? How will the responsibilities be distributed?, Not true, these things have not addressed the economic fear of damaging the relationship, problems will appear later.
Is that, no doubt, when we speak of money in the couple do not talk about numbers. The real issue is communication, trust, shared visions, the arrival point that is oriented toward the common trip. He speaks, finally, love. And speaking of power.
A number of men willing to partner model less rigid about traditional roles are overwhelmed by the weight of financial responsibility, even when they can afford it. Often complain that while their income support food, shelter, health, education and core costs of the couple and the family, the income of their wives are considered by them as strictly personal and dedicated, so Therefore, expenditure, savings or investments that have to do with them or just to give you all kinds of luxury to their daughters.
There are women who privately tell their friends, sisters or relatives, as their husbands have neglected economic issues, do not know how much you earn your man, know if there are bank accounts and the total of the savings. Of course this is not born spontaneously has been an implicit agreement in which "he is committed to not missing anything at home but she should not ask anything about economic issues."
View as usual, money is no longer a purely economic thing to become a matter of feelings. Just as a partner manages the money handled his emotional life, communication, sexuality. If concealment misgivings, economically sleight, will have on other aspects of the relationship.
The money is only a symbol, money management in marriage is how they make sense of the relationship as complementary. Even the couple's sexual problems have little to do with economic things, discussions that sometimes initiate sexual problems end economic problems such surfacing, who brings the money thinks it guarantees the permanent availability of the other sex and who is resented economic power that is exerted on it often finds a way to close the legs citing the famous headache, allergies, stomach pains, fatigue and thousands of other excuses, vengeance has been consummated.
When talking about money in love you think that this is impure and that love is the essence of purity, the money is only a symbol and is neither pure nor impure, it may be questionable how many people get, its own management in a relationship, how to communicate the economic issues that the relationship will be stable or becomes chaos.
nice blog and interesting post :)