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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

taggwd.com Gideon Sundback

 An inventor is someone who creates new inventions, typically technical devices such as tools or methods of mechanical, electronic, or software. Although the inventor may also be a scientist, but usually the inventor discovered something based on a variety of knowledge from other scientists, experimenting with practical applications and the combination of knowledge, as well as to develop and combine the existing tools, to create a useful new tool. To encourage the inventors of the patent system has been decided, by granting a monopoly for a limited time for new discoveries that were considered sufficient. Patents are exclusive rights granted by the State to an Inventor for the invention in the field of technology, which for a given period Invensinya conduct themselves or give consent to others to carry it out. Gideon Sundback Swesia dalah an inventor-the United States. Began work in 1905 at Westinghouse Electric and Manupacturing company house, Pennsylvania. In 1906 was hired to work at Universal Fastener company in Hoboken, New Jersey He made ​​some progress on the zipper between the years 1906-1914, while working at a company that will develop into Talon, Inc.. He relies on previous work of engineers such as Elias Howe, Max Wolff, and Whitcomb Judson (father-in-law Sundback). Gideon Sundback also found the engine for the new zipper. Lightining Fastener Company, a manufacturer of zipper scratch, based in St. Petersburg, Ontario. Zippers in 1937 to replace the use of "fly" in trousers. 
 Meskipun Sundback sering mengunjungi pabrik Kanada sebagai presiden perusahaan, ia tinggal di Meadville, Pennsylvania dan tetap menjadi warga negara Amerika. Sundback dianugerahi Medali Emas dari Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences di 1951. Sundback meninggal karena kondisi jantung pada tahun 1954 dan dikebumikan di pemakaman Greendale di Meadville, Pennsylvania. Pada tahun 2006, Gideon Sundback dihormati oleh inklusi di Penemu Nasional Hall of Fame untuk karyanya pada pengembangan ritsletin. Pada umumnya ritsleting terdiri dari dua potong kain, yang masing-masing ditempatkan pada salah satu sisinya untuk kemudian dipertautkan, dengan puluhan atau ratusan gigi dari metal atau plastik. Penariknya, yang dioperasikan dengan tangan, bergerak sepanjang deretan gigi-giginya. Di dalam penariknya terdapat sebuah saluran berbentuk Y, yang mempertautkan atau memisahkan barisan gigi yang berhadap-hadapan, tergantung arah gerakannya. Gesekan penariknya pada gigi-giginya menyebabkan bunyi yang khas. 

It is inevitable that until now Zippers are devices popular and well liked by helping speed up or buttoning clothes, handbags, shoes, luggage, sports equipment, tent and equipment objects from textiles, leather, and their many other uses.

returned to Tibet from India Following three years of exile.

January 31, 1913. Turkish Revolutionaries, the Young Turks, the Ottoman government overthrow. Balkan peace Negotiations are put in jeopardy.

February 23, 1913. Mexican President Madero is deposed and killed. General Victoriano Huerta takes over as president.

April, 1913. Swedish inventor Gideon Sundback patents a new fastener, the zipper.

May 30, 1913. End of the First Balkan War. Turkey and the members of the Balkan League signed a peace treaty agreeing to Recognize a new country, Albania, in territory once belonged to That the Ottoman Empire and to divide the territory of Serbia and Bulgaria Between Macedonian.

June 30, 1913. The Second Balkan War begins. Bulgaria attacks Greece and Serbia. Montenegro and Romania will help the Greeks against the Bulgarians and Serbians.

August 10, 1913. Peace is Agreed to in the Balkans, ending the Second Balkan War. All nations will withdraw to Their pre-war borders, and Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland will Establish frontier lines to keep the peace. Bulgaria must disperse its Troops and give up most of its newly gained lands.

September 21, 1913. As the British Parliament passes the Irish Home Rule Bill Third, Dublin, Ireland is filled with strikers demanding Home Rule now (an independent, self-governing Ireland). Protestant Unionists in the north WHO oppose Home Rule begin to recruit Their Own army to keep Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom.

October 7, 1913. Henry Ford establishes the automobile assembly line at his plant to the make cars more Quickly and efficiently.


Chicago-based inventor, Whitcomb Judson developed the first commercial 'zipper' (named the Clasp Locker) in 1893. Whitcomb established the Universal Fastener Company to market his invention, but the design had little commercial success. As head designer for Universal Fastener Company, Swedish Canadian engineer, Gideon Sundback was tasked with improving the Clasp Locker. Between 1913 and 1917 Gideon made ​​a number of refinements, most Notably Increasing the number of teeth per inch and designing machinery That Could Produce the mass-closures. This improved design, Patented as the 'Separable Fastener', is the zipper we know and love today. (The BF Goodrich Company is credited with the far more marketable name "Zipper").

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