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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

taggwd.com Gideon Sundback

 An inventor is someone who creates new inventions, typically technical devices such as tools or methods of mechanical, electronic, or software. Although the inventor may also be a scientist, but usually the inventor discovered something based on a variety of knowledge from other scientists, experimenting with practical applications and the combination of knowledge, as well as to develop and combine the existing tools, to create a useful new tool. To encourage the inventors of the patent system has been decided, by granting a monopoly for a limited time for new discoveries that were considered sufficient. Patents are exclusive rights granted by the State to an Inventor for the invention in the field of technology, which for a given period Invensinya conduct themselves or give consent to others to carry it out. Gideon Sundback Swesia dalah an inventor-the United States. Began work in 1905 at Westinghouse Electric and Manupacturing company house, Pennsylvania. In 1906 was hired to work at Universal Fastener company in Hoboken, New Jersey He made ​​some progress on the zipper between the years 1906-1914, while working at a company that will develop into Talon, Inc.. He relies on previous work of engineers such as Elias Howe, Max Wolff, and Whitcomb Judson (father-in-law Sundback). Gideon Sundback also found the engine for the new zipper. Lightining Fastener Company, a manufacturer of zipper scratch, based in St. Petersburg, Ontario. Zippers in 1937 to replace the use of "fly" in trousers. 
 Meskipun Sundback sering mengunjungi pabrik Kanada sebagai presiden perusahaan, ia tinggal di Meadville, Pennsylvania dan tetap menjadi warga negara Amerika. Sundback dianugerahi Medali Emas dari Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences di 1951. Sundback meninggal karena kondisi jantung pada tahun 1954 dan dikebumikan di pemakaman Greendale di Meadville, Pennsylvania. Pada tahun 2006, Gideon Sundback dihormati oleh inklusi di Penemu Nasional Hall of Fame untuk karyanya pada pengembangan ritsletin. Pada umumnya ritsleting terdiri dari dua potong kain, yang masing-masing ditempatkan pada salah satu sisinya untuk kemudian dipertautkan, dengan puluhan atau ratusan gigi dari metal atau plastik. Penariknya, yang dioperasikan dengan tangan, bergerak sepanjang deretan gigi-giginya. Di dalam penariknya terdapat sebuah saluran berbentuk Y, yang mempertautkan atau memisahkan barisan gigi yang berhadap-hadapan, tergantung arah gerakannya. Gesekan penariknya pada gigi-giginya menyebabkan bunyi yang khas. 

It is inevitable that until now Zippers are devices popular and well liked by helping speed up or buttoning clothes, handbags, shoes, luggage, sports equipment, tent and equipment objects from textiles, leather, and their many other uses.

returned to Tibet from India Following three years of exile.

January 31, 1913. Turkish Revolutionaries, the Young Turks, the Ottoman government overthrow. Balkan peace Negotiations are put in jeopardy.

February 23, 1913. Mexican President Madero is deposed and killed. General Victoriano Huerta takes over as president.

April, 1913. Swedish inventor Gideon Sundback patents a new fastener, the zipper.

May 30, 1913. End of the First Balkan War. Turkey and the members of the Balkan League signed a peace treaty agreeing to Recognize a new country, Albania, in territory once belonged to That the Ottoman Empire and to divide the territory of Serbia and Bulgaria Between Macedonian.

June 30, 1913. The Second Balkan War begins. Bulgaria attacks Greece and Serbia. Montenegro and Romania will help the Greeks against the Bulgarians and Serbians.

August 10, 1913. Peace is Agreed to in the Balkans, ending the Second Balkan War. All nations will withdraw to Their pre-war borders, and Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland will Establish frontier lines to keep the peace. Bulgaria must disperse its Troops and give up most of its newly gained lands.

September 21, 1913. As the British Parliament passes the Irish Home Rule Bill Third, Dublin, Ireland is filled with strikers demanding Home Rule now (an independent, self-governing Ireland). Protestant Unionists in the north WHO oppose Home Rule begin to recruit Their Own army to keep Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom.

October 7, 1913. Henry Ford establishes the automobile assembly line at his plant to the make cars more Quickly and efficiently.


Chicago-based inventor, Whitcomb Judson developed the first commercial 'zipper' (named the Clasp Locker) in 1893. Whitcomb established the Universal Fastener Company to market his invention, but the design had little commercial success. As head designer for Universal Fastener Company, Swedish Canadian engineer, Gideon Sundback was tasked with improving the Clasp Locker. Between 1913 and 1917 Gideon made ​​a number of refinements, most Notably Increasing the number of teeth per inch and designing machinery That Could Produce the mass-closures. This improved design, Patented as the 'Separable Fastener', is the zipper we know and love today. (The BF Goodrich Company is credited with the far more marketable name "Zipper").

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Proverbs Girlfriend

Proverbs Girlfriend

Some men are really going the distance to show their love and affection for his friends. You
buy lavish gifts, plan a romantic vacation, training and angry every day in order to impress
their girls. While these efforts can certainly make the girls feel happy, they can not meet
all their emotional needs. Girls tend to be emotionally sensitive than men, and they may
feel insecure if they receive the attention they want. They have their friends and say nice
things from time to time so they can be sure they are still desirable. Girls can be touched
by the words, and they can react like little girls when they are sweet compliments guys,
especially the comments that are related to their physical beauty to hear.
As a guy, you do not have much to do with your girlfriend something special. All you have to
do is, sincere and affectionate to her and show you all about it, what is good and pleasant
notes. Give her compliments, you'll let them know that you can still find them attractive in
their own methods that are important to you and how she feels. Compliments often ensures
that your relationship with your girlfriend last longer. There are many different types of
compliments you give to your girlfriend, ranging from silly compliments poetic compliment
you, and you need to know how to make compliments right in certain situations. If you are
sensitive to their emotional needs, you will know exactly what she wants to hear from you.
Here are some sweet things that you can tell your friend:


    1 You are so sweet that I can go diabetics.
    2 If I am Superman, you're my kryptonite.
    3 Thank you, I am deeply in love with me, and I can not get up.
    4 It will be great if I have a pair of glasses, because I want you to see with four
    5 I call you my friend, because you not only a girl, you're my friend.
6 From one million U.S. dollars can not be compared to the number of hugs I can give you.
    7 Is love worth the fight? If it's for your sake, I'm ready for war.
    8 You, I fell and I fell for you.
    9 If love is a film that you will be the largest office success at the box


    1 You are the best friend I ever had.
    2 You are my greatest weakness.
    3 Only one person in this world can be, but you mean the world to me.
    4 I love to hear your voice, because it is sweeter than honey.
    5 Our love is like a friendship, but he is fired.
    6 If you like to be wrong, I do not want to be right.
    7 I was nothing until you came into my life.
    8 You have a smile that shines brighter than the sun.

1 You're all I see when I close my eyes at night.
2 If I have to say a million things, they will all be the same - "I love you".
3 I had trouble sleeping after falling in love with you, because it has become reality
better than my dreams.
4 People say that you fall in love once, but I think it is not true. I fall in love again
every time I see you.
5 I have a craving for you, and I want to be irresistibly desired by you.
6 Nothing to do with you means everything to me.
7 If you do not lose with me, all I'm doing half of their importance.
8 I'm in love, and you are the one who took me.
9 Before I fell in love with you, I counted the years. Now I want to count the years.
10 For me, the only remedy for love to love you more.
11 If I can stop your heart from breaking, I will not live in vain.
12 If you are having with my mouth, I hear the most eloquent silence.
13 They are something I never knew but always wanted.
14 The happiness I know is to love and be loved by you.
15 I hope our love will not come to an end.

These quotes are wonderful things to say to your daughter. They do not sound rude or
disrespectful, and they are touching and flattering. If you marry your girlfriend one day,
this will be complimented for their good memories for many years. If you have been
insensitive to the emotional needs of your girlfriend in the past, it's time to pay more
attention to her shower, and say the things I want to hear. You can be sure that your
relationship with your girlfriend will grow stronger and deeper, if you use these words in
their infancy.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

tagged.com by The Year of Manto

Our literary circles are expected to celebrate the current year as Manto’s. Of course, the greatness or the importance of a writer does not depend on such rituals. They just provide an opportunity to revive our memory about the writer, to make a re-assessment of his works and pay homage to him. And so it happened, and what a rare happening, that the birth centenaries of our three top most writers belonging to modern Urdu literature have fallen in three consecutive years. We celebrated 2010 as the year of Noon Meem Rashid’s birth centenary, 2011 as the year of the birth centenary of Faiz. Now, 2012 is the year of Saadat Hasan Manto’s birth centenary. We hope that this occasion too will be celebrated in a befitting manner.

LUMS took the lead in this respect. It planned a full day programme, a seminar divided into four sessions beginning early morning and ending in the evening. A number of fiction writers and critics had been invited for this occasion from Karachi and Islamabad. The distinguished Indian critic, Professor Shamim Hanafi, had been invited from Delhi.

The inaugural session started with an address by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Aadil, and was followed by the scholarly paper of Professor Hanafi, who presented a critical study of modern Urdu short story with particular reference to Manto. This inaugural session was followed by two sessions, where the participants, short story writers and critics from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad heatedly discussed modern Urdu short story with reference to modern literary theories, which, coming from the West, have deeply influenced our modern short story.

One particular session was held in English which was devoted to the study of Manto with particular reference to Partition. Here participants included historian Ayesha Jalal, Professor Syed Naumanul Haq and Professor Farrukh Khan.

So such was the start of Manto’s year. Frankly speaking, at the seminar mostly modern Urdu short story, rather than Manto, was discussed. The session reserved exclusively for the discussion of Manto, was held in English. Obviously it was meant for the benefit of a particular class of our society, a class which has chosen English as the sole means of communication. So we should wait for other events where we will hopefully have the opportunity to discuss Manto in detail.

Family OF Manto

However, it should be granted that the subject of Manto in the English session had a significance of its own. Manto was already a controversial writer. He was in the true sense a rebel writer. He was under attack because of his bold expression and the treatment of the social situations in his stories. After Partition he said goodbye to Bombay and coming to Pakistan, settling in Lahore. Here his stories triggered off new controversies, which pertained more to his approach to the traumatic events during Partition than simply to his bold expression. In fact, we will not be able to understand Manto in this respect if we discuss him in isolation.

But I should better stop here as the limited space of this column does not allow me to be elaborate on this point. And as I am trying to conclude this column I have just received a newly published book on Manto. This should be taken as the first drop of the incoming rain. Published by Book Home, Lahore, under the title Afsanay — Saadat Hasan Manto, the book compiled by Rana Abdur Rahman, is a selection of 38 of Manto’s stories. They show Manto at his best. It is heartening to see that the first installment of Manto publications, which we expect throughout the year, is a good selection from Manto. Now we have the opportunity to refresh ourselves with regards to Manto before we come across revised critical studies of him.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

tadded.com by A Chat with an Infertile Woman

I think one of the hardest things to explain to the “outside world” when you’re dealing with infertility is how ANYTHING can trigger our sadness or negative thoughts and feelings.

It really doesn’t take much to set us off. It’s truly impossible to have a calm, rational conversation with an infertile woman.

And the closer you are to us, the more you’re in trouble. Spouses have no chance at all. Sometimes we’re so stuck in our own heads and what we’re going through, we don’t even want to look at our spouses and there’s probably a million times they’d rather not listen to us.

But we won’t tell him to get lost. We need his affection. We need his support. We need his sperm.

And he won’t tell us to get lost… I have absolutely no idea why.

And while hubby/boyfriend/spouse (I first heard the term “spouse” when I was eight playing the board game “Life”. To this day, whenever somebody mentions their ”spouse”. I picture a blue or pink peg with no face, only a head.) Anyway… 

Whatever you call your peg that rides beside you in that game o’ life… He or she is not the only one who has the privilege of having disturbing, bizarre, hormone-drug induced chats with us.

Anyone who came into my personal space during one of my frequent spontaneous, anxiety-ridden moments was fair game. Even the sixteen year old cashier at McDonald’s.

Even through the intercom and my driver’s side window that barely opens, this poor girl could see that I wasn’t “right”.

“Welcome to McDonald’s. May I take your order?”

“Yes, Hi. I’d like a six piece McNuggets meal with a large Coke please.”

“Is that for a girl or a boy?”

“No, I don’t want the kid’s meal. Do you see any kids in my car?”

“Ma’am, I can’t see into your car from here. It’s just a microphone.”

“Not everybody has kids you know.  Some people just choose not to have kids, young lady.  Some people aren’t ready to have kids. Some people try and try over and over and over and think about nothing else but STILL can’t have kids! Do you just assume because I’m a woman that I have kids?”

“No Ma’am. I just assume when you order a six piece McNuggets meal that you want the kids’ meal. The regular extra value meal comes with ten pieces… but you can get it with six… if you want medium fries and no toy.”

“No, you’d better give me the kids’ meal. I deserve a toy. I need a toy… And, (sniff sniff boo hoo) could I have extra napkins please?”

“That’ll be $5.62. Next window please. Have a nice day.”    

As I approached, the cashier grabbed my money and tossed my red Happy Meal box through her automatic window and into the car while my wheels were still rolling, like I had cooties (maybe I did).

I pulled into a parking spot. In my altered state of rationality, I felt quite confident that I would be comforted by my 6200 fat calories,  5000 milligrams of sodium, two months worth of caffeine…and, of course…my toy.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

tagger.com love


My body is built for love

Hands tongue thighs

For love only love

You who are closest

Never fall close enough

I would press my heart into yours

So I will talk philosophy

Chop and tie ruthless definitions

And dose my heart into drops

I will give you always

An ounce more than you give me

I am deluge

I could drown you

The love that knits flesh to my bone

Skin unto skin, nerve unto nerve

The yearning damming urge of love

Like atom bound to atom

---No! I withhold that from you.

I will shine a little, like the sun upon the moon

My shining I

Will gather for brains clouds and thunderbursts

To filter the full

Lightning tips to carve out books

forbidden to your eyes

I'm honored to die unread.

You see grammar and form

But do not see

Amidst the threads

the love I've mingled insatiate

Tongue and thirst of Love

Lick of tooth

Bite of Lip

I say you

Without echo.

How do you animate the love go? There is something, as if one wants to act, so you really feel it soon. William James said, "teaches acting at the heart", and the imitation of Jesus Christ the same title, published in this issue. For all the pedants who give to charities or volunteer with, I remain skeptical. To be considered if you want to act dodging the hard work of setting up a true love. This should reduce our apathy, add half of the total. Instead, by building the second floor without the first, we must all support the next. As if you hate missing sense! Indifference, as if you were as random as the case of hair in the morning! No, no, not to act. Only think, "why do I miss the love, and what has this habit? What is all well and good, and love can make it better," Find your foundation and you can not help but love the beautiful, you do not need to deceive in love : let?. You need to know what is beautiful and why. For the love flowing, if the honest face of beauty. to act as if we love, without love, dedicates a life of hypocrisy. The statement denies the capacity. Therefore, prior to the act of love for its beauty choose to, not because you have to do either. Hate can be more divine than love.